What are Memes? Generally speaking a Meme is "a collection of internet content, usually in the form of images or video, that share a common theme, subject, or topic". An Internet Meme, more generally recognized simply as a Meme, is an evolving form of thought, behavior, or style which is posted on the Internet, most often via social media networks and specifically for funny purposes. Memes may also spread from individual to individual via instant message, emails, blogs, or other sources. These unique forms of internet content are quickly becoming the most popular forms of social interaction in the world today. And just recently, a new trend has emerged in the genre of meme, namely viral marketing. Viral marketing is the practice of marketing/marketing online using viral techniques in hopes of generating web traffic to a website. So if you are seeking a way to make some quick, easy, and free Internet money, consider creating your own funny Internet Meme and see what happens....
Memes have become such an important part of the internet that they have seeped into everyday speech as well. Students use them as a method of communication and pass them along to friends. They can also be found on celebrities' websites, as well as various internet-based humor sites. Internet users typically identify with popular themes and funny situations and as such embrace any form of cultural commentary that they come across. A number of online social media sites have even created their own niche within the field of memes, with millions of users flocking to these sites every day. How did all of this start? How did this phenomenon become so popular? How do you get started with making your own cultural information Memes? There are many different routes to go down when trying to create your very own word Meme. One of the most common routes to take is to look for existing popular content that has been re-blogged or re-shared by a number of internet users. Searching for existing j...